Make Homemade Cream Puffs

You too can make Homemade Cream Puffs. But you can also run to the store & buy them right out of most frozen food departments in your local grocery store. But if you enjoy taking the time to build your very own creations, this is one recipe you should try…….

Make Homemade Cream Puffs

Have you ever noticed that certain treats have a history? They may even have a legend! There is a ton of controversy about how & when cream puffs were “invented”. When Catherine de’ Medici traveled to France from Italy, she probably brought an entourage. Now, whether she had a personal cook within this group, we just don’t know. And whether she had her cook make this special treat for her husband, King Henri the 2nd or not – that’s the rumor, or legend anyway. But it is likely she probably had some say in what was made in the kitchen.

Most importantly, these delightful sweets were concocted.

For that, we are positively jubilant!

Cream puffs or “Profiteroles” are made from Choux or pastry dough that is cooked twice! This technique is significant in making our homemade cream puffs both airy on the inside & crispy on the outside. This also is one dough you do not need baking soda, powder, or even yeast. Because Steam is the leavening agent! #CreamPuff

Make Homemade Cream Puffs

If you’ve ever wondered how that hollow center comes about, it’s all because of the twice cooking process…… The boiling process builds the outer structure. This technique is “scalding” the flour which activates starch gelatinization. Then when the dough is baked, the steam from the oven inflates that gelatinized dough creating a hollow interior.

You can make this recipe for Homemade cream puffs & make easy homemade Eclairs too… It’s just a matter of a ball or strip of dough… Then you choose your desired filling. Custard, puddings & even herbed cream cheese make excellent fillers….  

Now, let’s get busy & make this old-fashioned Homemade Cream Puffs recipe.

Irish Cream Trifle Mousse

We start with our Vanilla Custard Filling:

  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Cups Milk
  • 2 Tbs. Cornstarch
  • 1/3 Cup Sugar
  • 1 Teas. Vanilla

Beat the eggs & set them aside. Whisk together milk, cornstarch & sugar on medium heat. You’ll want to whisk consistently so it doesn’t burn, just steams. When you see small bubbles forming, it’s done. Remove from stove. Now, we want to add a small amount (less than a ¼ cup) of our milk mixture into our beaten eggs. BUT we want to vigorously Whisk so the eggs do not curdle. Then, the egg mixture can be added SLOWLY into the milk mixture. Again, keep Whisking Vigorously. This is so the custard comes out nice and smooth…… Once your mixture is smoothly mixed, return to low heat & continue to whisk until your custard reaches the desired thickness. Lastly, remove from the stove & add vanilla. Cover & refrigerate while we make our homemade cream puff dough……   

Preheat Oven to 400°. Line 2 cookie sheets with Parchment Paper.

Make Homemade Cream Puffs

Ingredients needed for Choux Pasty or Pâte à Choux:

  • 1 Cup Unsalted Butter
  • 2 Cups Water
  • 2 Cups Flour – All Purpose
  • ½ Teas. Salt
  • 8 Eggs – Room Temperature

Bring Butter & Water to a boil in a Large Saucepan. Then lower the heat & add the flour, mixing continuously. Add the salt. Continue to cook for 4-5 minutes, consistently mixing. Yes, you are actually cooking the flour. This is because you want the dough to be dry! So, it will be crisp & inflate during the baking process. 

Transfer the dough to a large mixing bowl & Whisk (Electric whisk is best!) on medium speed for 2-4 minutes. Allow dough to break apart & cool.

Add one egg at a time & whisk it into the dough. The result should be a smooth, beautiful, shiny dough once all eggs are added. #ChouxPastry

Now, spoon dough into a piping bag prepared with a round tip (we like #1A).

Make Homemade Cream Puffs

BEFORE you pipe your Choux Pastry onto your cookie sheets, use a basting brush & very lightly wet the parchment paper. This wet parchment paper helps create humidity in your oven.

Pipe rounds about 2 inches tall & 3 inches apart. Avoid creating a peak by releasing pressure before you lift the bag. As you are lifting (without pressure) swirl the tip around the side. If you do create a tip, just lightly wet your finger & smooth out the peak.

Place cookie sheet in center of oven & bake for 30 – 35 minutes. The result should be puffy golden-brown Profiteroles (cream puffs) …… Beware! You really do NOT want to open the oven door EARLY! If you do, steam escapes & our cream puffs DEFLATE!

Once your puffs are ready to come out of the oven, you want them to COOL Off before filling them…. 20 minutes or thereabouts should do it! While we are waiting for our pastry to cool, we prepare 2 cookie sheets with fresh parchment paper. We also make sure there is plenty of room in our freezer for these to cool.

Now, remember you can use any filling you want. But if you made our Vanilla Custard Filling, it’s time to take it out of the refrigerator. Now fill your piping bag – prepared with a plain Tip (We like #230). Gently insert the tip into the underside of your cream puffs & pipe an estimated teaspoon into each one. Place your finished puff onto the parchment-papered cookie sheet & once they are all ready, freeze for approximately 3 hours. You can store frozen filled puffs for weeks in the freezer….

Make Homemade Cream Puffs

Easy Homemade Eclairs

This same recipe for homemade cream puffs can be used to make easy homemade Eclairs too! We just use a Star Tip to make that ridged look (we like # 1M).  You’ll want to pipe out 1 &1/2 inch by 4-inch strips. You’ll also want to allow your Eclairs to completely cool before cutting off the tops & adding your creamy insides…  One note…. When adding your topping, you can just dip the lid of your Easy Homemade Eclairs into your Perfect Chocolate Ganache…..

mini croquembouche

So, Make a Perfect Chocolate Ganache

Or, you can always just dust with powdered sugar… But if Chocolate is Your Thing…

  • 8 Oz. Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
  • 1 Cup Heavy Cream

Heat the heavy cream in a saucepan. Add the chocolate chips. Stir until Melted. Allow cooling just until it thickens. Drizzle, pour, or dip the chocolate onto your Delectable Pâte à Choux or Eclairs!

On a little side note: “Choux” is actually French for Cabbage… And “Pâte” is Paste…. So, yes, our little Pâte à Choux do look like little golden cabbage heads but they certainly do NOT taste like paste!

Hope you enjoy our Recipe for Homemade Cream Puffs….

irish cream trifle recipe

Now that you’ve made your very own Homemade Cream Puffs, check out our Mini Croquembouche Recipe on This Page…

And then hop over to This Page & check out our Irish Cream Trifle Mousse – Our Puffs make this the perfect dessert!

Now, when you are ready to sit down & enjoy your dessert, don’t forget to pour yourself that glass of Truly Fine Wine. And if you’d like to earn 4 Bottles Each Month FREE, just skip over to This Page & read more about it.

While we love to indulge in our spectacular desserts, we also guard our health & our Brain. So, we’d love to share Our Ways to Improve Brain Health with you… Just jump over Here.

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