Feel Good Cookies

Feel Good Cookies

These Feel Good Cookies are out-of-this-World! Do you think there is anyone in the world that has Never had A Cookie? Now, maybe there is someone that’s never had a Store-Bought or “Processed” Cookie…. But I do wonder just how small that number is……  

Most of us have bought & enjoyed Processed Foods, especially Cookies! And nearly All of those cookies contain high-fructose corn syrup. And in case you didn’t know, high fructose corn syrup is really bad for us! Not only does it contribute to inflammation, high triglycerides, & diabetes, but also to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease… So, we all need Feel Good Cookies that are Good for Us!

So, Order These Guilt-free Treats Today!


We all have differences with our taste buds. You might like peanut butter better than chocolate. But we can agree, when you Enjoy the Taste of something, You Want More Than One! Furthermore, it’s not just the TASTE that keeps you coming back for more! It’s because while you are enjoying that cookie, that’s high in sugar content, your blood glucose is rising! And we all know that a sugar rush leads to a crash. Then your brain starts to fire off messages saying, “Feed me”. And the Craving Is Born!

Another reason we always want More Cookies (or unhealthy snacks) is that they lack Fiber! High Fiber snacks fill us up & get us Fuller Longer! #HealthyCookie

So, these Low-Carb, Low-Sugar & High-in-Fiber Goodies are exactly what you need!

Feel Good Cookies
Feel Good Cookies

Do you have someone in your life that says: “I don’t like that.” Even before they try it?! I’m sure we all can relate. Heaven forbid, you say it’s healthy. Or sugar-free. Or fat-free. So, due to my genius, I took these Feel Good Cookies Out of the Box BEFORE I allowed someone to see THE Box! But my genius back-fired on me! Now, I have to hide a box if I don’t want them to disappear! Needless to say, the Taste Exceeds my Expectations! And also that of my family!

So, You too can win the battle on snacking. Have these at the ready & fill up the “need” before it becomes a craving. There are risks all around us, but we Can fight back! A diet high in fiber actually helps win the war against heart disease & cancer.

Throw away processed food & high-fructose corn syrup cookies! Treat yourself to our Guilt-Free Dessert. And you too will combat the risk of obesity & type 2 diabetes! Not only do you lower the risks of disease but your skin will benefit too! You know that skin has collagen & elastin, right? Well, too much sugar actually damages both collagen & elastin. So, fight off those wrinkles by eating right!

Feel Good Cookies made with a Purpose!

Feel Good Cookies

There are foods that legitimately have a reason for being (or eating).

  • Digestive Fiber ~ this is like having your very own personal Housekeeper that cleans your house (Or, more specifically, your Colon).
  • Anti-Oxidants ~ they protect our cells against free-radicals (those radicals are just like terrorists, only they attack your body from the inside).
  • Magnesium ~ Supports our muscles & nerve function, not to mention helps in Energy production! And who doesn’t need more energy & muscles? Maybe Thor doesn’t, but very few of us are at that level…… 
  • Monounsaturated Fats ~ actually help to lower our BAD (LDL) cholesterol levels.
  • Protein ~ Your body needs protein to help repair your cells. But even more importantly, Protein helps make New Cells! Cells help form new skin. As we age, who doesn’t want “new skin”?
  • Vitamin B ~ This amazing vitamin impacts our energy. But it also supports brain function & cell metabolism. Oh, and it also helps prevent infections & supports cell our cells’ health.
  • Vitamin E ~ This impressive vitamin is imperative for optimal vision & reproduction. It is also essential for skin, blood & BRAIN Health! Furthermore, it is an antioxidant! See why it’s so impressive?

Guilt Free Dessert for All

Feel Good Cookies

Those are just a few of the ingredients used to make our Excellent Tasting Feel Good Cookies! Tiger Nuts, Hazelnuts, Almonds, & Eggs bring so much yummy goodness! Then the Agave Fiber kicks it up a notch & delivers digestive aid! And Apple Cider Vinegar is right behind helping to improve insulin sensitivity!

Most of us adore sweet-tasting food. Many of us also want savory over bland, right? So, with Apple sweetener added to this delightful treat, you get a more sweet taste without the harmful side effects of processed sugar. Add in Monk Fruit Extract & you get Sweet without Calories or sugar!

Fine Wines Delivered

When you think of something being strong, you might think it needs to be hard. But in the case of our cell membranes, we do NOT want them to harden! So, in this list of estimable ingredients is Sunflower Lecithin! Lecithin not only aids our cell membranes, but it strengthens our central nervous system, reduces stress & Builds Heart Health!

Fat is bad, right? Wrong. Only Some Fats are Bad. Did you know that Coconut oil actually contains fatty acids that inspire your body to burn fat? Plus, those fatty acids in coconut oil provide energy for your body & Brain! And that’s not all! Coconut oil also raises your Good cholesterol. (This helps fight heart disease.)

Let’s all Treat ourselves to Feel Good Cookies!


Once you taste these satisfying goodies, you won’t need that other “fix”. These organic ingredients are also gluten, grain, & wheat-free. They are also free of dairy products.

These delightful delicacies fit in well with a Keto or Paleo Diet. But diabetics everywhere are also loving them! And everyone sees improvement due to the prebiotic fiber!   

Now, if you take a good look around my blog, you’ll notice there are a LOT of dessert recipes, not to mention others that are probably not low in calories… But that is WHY we need some guilt-free desserts sometimes! Right?

Feel Good Cookies

We also love to satiate our love of wine… and it’s ever so much better when It’s Free. No worries! We can share our secret with you! Just leap on over to this page & find out more.

Now, I’ve got to send off some texts to all the family! But it’s Great! Because I earn a little currency each & every day…. Yes, we can share that info too. How about bouncing over to this page for more information?

But, before you leave, be sure to bookmark our page. Better yet, why not join the club? Just fill out the readership form & you’ll hear from us. Be sure to Opt-in. And say Hi once in a while….