Natural Snacks for Dogs

Baby Bella

Having Natural Snacks for your Dogs may improve your puppy’s overall health & well-being. We all age. So do our pets! Unfortunately, they can’t tell us when they don’t feel good. But they do show us signs….

So, we have to be pet detectives & figure out what’s going on. Of course, when you live with a special pup for years & years, you get to know those signs. For instance, when my Bella didn’t feel good, she wanted to be on my lap & no one else’s. When I looked into her eyes, I could tell she was in pain.

In order to make her as comfortable as possible, one of the things we did was change her diet. These Natural Snacks for Dogs may be just as beneficial for your pup as it was for our Bella….. And if you need LOTS & Lots of cookies to share with all your puppy friends, go ahead & double the recipe!

Natural Snacks for Dogs
  • 2 &1/2 Cups Organic Oat Flour
  • 2 Eggs
  • ½ Cup Pure / Organic Pumpkin Puree (**NOT to be mistaken for Pie Filling!)
  • 3 Tbs. Dog Approved Peanut Butter (*Be Careful of certain ingredients)
  • 2 &1/2 Teas Organic Ground Ceylon Cinnamon (***Not to be mistaken for Cassia Cinnamon)
*Make sure your Peanut butter is free of Palm Oil or Xylitol. Both are highly toxic to doggies. Peanut butter is also best when Sugar-free & Sodium-Free.
** Pie Filling usually has Nutmeg as an ingredient. Nutmeg is harmful to dogs and can cause toxicity. The symptoms may include vomiting, stumbling, racing heart, constricted pupils, dry mouth & turmoil for your pup. An abundance of nutmeg could be fatal. So, make sure you Don’t mistake Pumpkin Pie Filling for PURE Pumpkin.
***Cassia Cinnamon contains a high quantity of coumarin, while Ceylon cinnamon only contains trace amounts. Coumarin may harm the liver & increase the risk of cancer.

Whipt the eggs, pumpkin puree, peanut butter & cinnamon together. Add the flour a little bit at a time until it’s all mixed. Then dust your counter with flour & roll out the dough. Choose your shapes & cut out your cookies…. Remember, they will NOT plump up. So, you can put them closer together on your baking sheet.

Bake at 350°  @ 40 Minutes

Remember: These are FRESH Homemade Snacks! So, they really need to be in the refrigerator. You can also freeze them so they last longer………

Cinnamon & Natural Snacks for Dogs

Natural Snacks for Dogs

Did you know that Cinnamon in moderate amounts can actually boost your pup’s heart health? Cinnamon helps to lower systolic blood pressure & heart rate. Furthermore, when blood pressure is lowered, the risk of heart disease also lowers. A healthy blood pressure allows your pup’s blood to move through their circulatory system with less resistance. This creates a healthy blood flow.

Did you also know that Cinnamon can help reduce inflammation for your Furry Best Friend? It Does! But, not only that it also alleviates aches & pain brought on by muscles, joints & swelling. And not to leave anything out, but Cinnamon also works to lower the risk of cancer too. #DogHealth

Natural Snacks for Dogs

In addition to cinnamon being great for heart health, it is also great for lowering sugar levels. Controlling the amount of sugar that enters the bloodstream allows the sensitivity to insulin to improve. This is especially great for diabetic pups!

Did you know that cinnamon is a natural immune booster? It is full of antioxidants. So, not only does it protect your pet from harm but it also restrains those yucky bacteria that cause diseases & infections.

Cinnamon is also very helpful when your pup has a digestive issue. If your dog has been puking, or if she has excess gas, this Natural Snacks for Dogs recipe could help! Cinnamon is known to offer relief for upset stomach & heartburn! AND it helps with Bad Breath Too!

Lastly, and maybe unproven, but Cinnamon is also thought to improve Brain Function!

Of course, you should check with your veterinarian before giving your dog cinnamon. Your vet will probably agree that you can give your dog 1/8 Teas. of Cinnamon per every 15 pounds of body weight.

The equation we used for adding cinnamon to this recipe: ONE 1/8 Teas of Cinnamon per one serving for ONE 15 pound dog. Made 25 Treats = so 3 Teas can be added to this recipe  – So, we kept it at 2&1/2 Teas just to be safe………
Best Buddies

While many ingredients can be substituted in this recipe, we try to buy (Or Grow) as many Organic foods as we can. Not only do we receive more beneficial nutrients but with fewer pesticides, we find that allergies don’t flare up as much. We also try to keep the sodium & sugar to ZERO, if at all possible. You may also use any type of flour you choose. But we find that since whole wheat flour contains gluten, it is not a good choice for our littlest pup. So, if your pet has intolerance towards gluten, you will find Oat Flour is the BEST!

You can even make your own Oat Flour! If you have a food processor, you simply grind whole oats into a fine powder & Voila!

This Flour is not only gluten-free, but it is extremely dense with nutrients! It’s low in sugars. But it’s full of minerals, vitamins & Antioxidants! Oat flour also tends to retain moisture better than whole wheat flour! Your pups might not even mind sharing these Natural Snacks for Dogs with their Humans!

Enjoy Snacking with your Pups AND…………

Tilly's Close up

Don’t forget to treat your furry pal with some new toys & accessories….. Run, skip or hop on over to this page & find out what we like best….

Although our babies act like they are being tortured to death when they need to go to the vet, we are so appreciative of our insurance! Run, skip or Hop on over to this page & see what we think, who we use & WHY…

We also found another way we were able to give Bella relief in her last days. Unfortunately, the same may happen for you & your best bud! But there is help! So, take a look at this page for more info. 

Thank you for stopping by. Say HI sometime & maybe even share Your picture & story of your Special Fur-Baby!