Having emergency survival gear & supplies puts your mind at ease when you spend a week in the woods!
A Family Vacation can bring so many Life-Long Memories! Good Memories & You’ll-Never-Forget-Them Ones!
Taking your family out to the woods & getting away from all that everyday Stress should bring generations closer together.
So, you pack the tent, the portable grill, all the foodstuffs, extra warm clothing, and even games! So, all the camping & hunting supplies are ready to go…. But then there are those things you don’t even think of ………#SurvivalGear
Once upon a time, we took a trip to the woods………………
And the entire clan is planning to go on this epic trip! So, the day arrives! We pack the truck with tents, flashlights, tons of food, wood for the fire, and even a small first aid kit. Each person brings extra clothing. We each have our own sleeping bag & even extra blankets. We take tons of games. Fishing gear is also coming along. We even bring binoculars & are so looking forward to sleeping under the stars! #Outdoor
Emergency Survival Gear & Supplies… Right?
OK, We do bring our cell phones. But we agree that we will NOT use them, or even turn them on……. And did you know Dead Phones don’t do you any good anyway?
We Arrive & ……… We unload all the camping & hunting gear…. Of course, everything is going really great. We are busy cooking, playing, fishing, & even “swimming”. But swimming doesn’t last long due to the water being so COLD. But We are also playing games, roasting wieners, and of course, the all-important marshmallows. Those smores taste SO Good! Each night the Stars are so Bright. Naturally, the very best thing is being able to take the time to just Read!
But now it’s time to go home……..
The first mistake is made by allowing the group to separate. Obviously, we believe that everyone knows exactly where they are going. We definitely have plans to meet back at our vehicles. But little do we know, that 3 of our group takes a wrong turn!
So, you know how worry tends to grow as time goes by? Well, in the first couple of hours, we figure they are just being slow! Then time keeps moving & the worry starts to set in. Now, those crazy, horrible thoughts start! What if something catastrophic has happened?!

Now, it’s getting dark & they still have not shown up!
Are you sitting on the edge of your chair? As a mom, you KNOW, your thoughts go from the best-case scenario to the WORST! AND Our PHONES Are DEAD!!!
On top of not knowing what’s going on, it’s also getting darker & darker! AND, we have absolutely NO contact! Remember, we have our cell phones. BUT they are DEAD. So, how long do you wait until you go for help or start searching? And Where do you start your search?
Order Your Power Supplies Here
Do you know there are basically 4 stages of being prepared for an emergency?
First, there is Thinking about What Could Happen
Second is putting the Plan together in case IT should happen.
Third is practicing the Plan or even acting on The Play when IT occurs
Fourth is Recovering from the catastrophe!
Emergency Survival Gear & Supplies…………
There are certain things that should be included in everyone’s plan…. Many of us go about our everyday life not thinking about those items that are readily available. But WATER is the First and maybe even the most important item to have on hand. Then non-perishable food comes in at a close second. Of course, things like a flashlight and first aid kit can not be left out of your Emergency Kit! But do you think about maps & compasses? How about a signal mirror? What if you need or want to start a fire? If you run out of water, what are you going to do? Do you know how to purify water? Or are you just going to drink what you find? How about a knife? We could continue to add to this list. But one of the Best things to take is a GPS system or personal locator!
So before we ever went on another trip to the woods, guess what we did?!
Made Sure We Had Our Portable POWER!
You may be wondering what happened from that original trip to the woods. Well, those lost teenagers did find their way down the mountain. But it was the OTHER side of the Mountain from where we were parked! And there was quite a bit of scrapes, bruises, damaged clothing & equipment. But Thank God! No broken bones & they finally made it back to civilization!
Of course, it was hours & hours After they were supposed to meet us! Thankfully, when they were able to descend far enough, they were able to use a cell phone. And although it took years off our lives and added gray to our hair, we have Great Memories that will NEVER be forgotten!
Now don’t let our story keep you from enjoying your week in the woods! You know, sleeping under the stars will help you relax & get back to nature! Get rid of those distractions & enjoy time with your family!
Not all camping trips are the same, but ours Always includes our Exclusive Wines, which we receive each month – only paying for shipping & handling… You can read the details HERE – for how You too can earn Free Wine!
If you need ideas for a Fun Outdoor Game that includes the entire Family – go HERE & you won’t regret it!
And, by all means, make sure you are getting Paid to send all those Texts! This page will explain how you can make that happen for every member of your family & More!
Hey ~ Thanks for dropping by & we sincerely hope you have many wonderful camping & get-away-from-it-all trips with your loved ones! Drop us a word, or better yet, join our readership! We hope to see you around!